
ダーウィンの日記1832年8月3日から6日 [ダーウィンの日記(I)]

ダーウィンの日記(モンテビデオに帰着; 政変につながる混乱にあたっての出動要請に応じる)








日曜日 5日

今日はビーグル号の歴史において波乱に富む一日だった。 午前10時に今の軍事政府の公使が船に来て、ある黒人の一隊による深刻な反乱に対抗するのを助けて欲しいと要請した。 フィッツロイ艦長は、それが党派性の事柄であるのか、それとも住民が実際にその家屋が略奪されて危険にさらされているのかどうかを確認するために直ちに岸に向かった。警察の長(Damas[sic])は[以前の憲政政権と今の軍事政権との]両方の政府において権力を保持しており、全く中立であると考えられているのだが、打診に対する彼の意見は、こちらの兵力を上陸させればそれはこの国家に対し貢献する事になるだろう、とのことだった。

これが岸で進行している間に、アメリカ人が彼等のボートで上陸し税関を占拠してしまった。 すぐに艦長は突堤に至り、こちらのボートを起動して人員を乗せるように信号を送って来た。ほんのわずかの時間のうちにヨール、カッター、ホウェール・ボートおよびギグ[注]が準備され、マスケット[銃]、カットラス[舶刀]およびピストルで厳重に武装した52名[*注]の人員を乗せた。
[注] これらはすべて積んでいるボートの種類名。
[*注] 下に参考として揚げたフィッツロイ艦長の『航海記』では人数が50名となっています。思うに、これは正規の乗組員だけでの数なのかそれとも非正規の人員(ダーウィンも定員外で航海に参加)をも含めた数なのかということから来る相違かもしれません。







FitzRoy, R.,"Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's Ships Adventure and Beagle between the years 1826 and 1836, describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagle's circumnavigation of the globe. Proceedings of the second expedition, 1831-36, under the command of Captain Robert Fitz-Roy", 1839, London: Henry Colburn. p.95.



ボートが帰って来た。 町での事態の方は今やより決定的に党派心があらわになっているし、また武装した市民の数が2倍にされることにより黒人の兵力の拠点が包囲されたということで、フィッツロイ艦長は自分の方では撤兵して良いと見なした。かなり近い将来ふたつの敵対する側が遭遇するということはありそうである。もしそのような状況になったとすれば、フィッツロイ艦長は中心部の砦にいたわけだから、中立的立場を守ることはかなり困難になってしまっていただろう。



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In the morning watch, before it was daylight, the Beagle stood too close in-shore & stuck her stern fast about a foot in the mud. — With a little patience & maeneuvering they got her off, & two whale boats being lowered to sound the bank ahead, we soon gained the channel. —

The navigation of the Plata is difficult, owing to there being no landmarks, the water generally shoal & running in currents & the number of banks in the whole course. — We saw several old wrecks which now serve as buoys to guide other ships. — "It is an ill wind which blows nobody any good". —

We arrived at M Video after sunset, & the Captain immediately went on board the Druid. — He has returned & brings the news, that the Druid will tomorrow morning sail for Buenos Ayres, & demand an apology for their conduct to us. — Oh I hope the Guard-ship will fire a gun at the Frigate; if she does, it will be her last day above water.

We altered. our anchorage, & stood much closer in. —we found an excellent berth amongst the merchant-ships. — After dinner went with Wickham to Rat island & collected some animals. — In the evenings the greater length of twilight is very pleasant: it is quite a new phenomenon to watch the purple clouds of the Western sky gradually to fade into the leaden hue of night. — This is a beauty of which the equinoctial regions can seldom boast. — And to an Europeans eyes it is a great loss. —

Sunday 5th
This has been an eventful day in the history of the Beagle. — At 10 oclock in the morning the Minister for the present military government came on board & begged for assistance against a serious insurrection of some black troops. — Cap FitzRoy immediately went to ashore to ascertain whether it was a party affair, or that the inhabitants were really in danger of having their houses ransacked. — The head of the Police (Damas[sic]) has continued in power through both governments, & is considered as entirely neutral; being applied to, he gave it as his opinion that it would be doing a service to the state to land, our force. —
Whilst this was going on ashore. the Americans landed their boats & occupied the Custom house. — Immediately the Captain arrived at the mole, he made us the signal to hoist out & man our boats. In a very few minutes, the Yawl, Cutter, Whaleboat & Gig were ready with 52 men heavily armed with Muskets Cutlasses, & Pistols. After waiting some time on the pier Signor Dumas arrived & we marched to a central fort, the seat of Government. During this time the insurgents had planted artillery to command some of the streets, but otherwise remained quiet. They had previously broken open the Prison & armed the prisoners. — The chief cause of apprehension was owing to their being in possession of the citadel which contains all the ammunition. — It is suspected that all this disturbance is owing to the manuivering of the former constitutional government. — But the politicks[sic] of the place are quite unintelligible: it has always been said that the interests of the soldiers & the present government are identical. — & now it would seem to be the reverse. — Capt. FitzRoy would have nothing to do with all this: he would only remain to see that private property was not attacked. — If the National band were not rank cowards, they might at once seize the citadel & finish the business; instead of this, they prefer protecting themselves in a the fortress of St. Lucia. — Whilst the different parties were trying to negociate matters. — we remained at our station. & amused ourselves by cooking beef-steaks in the Court-yard. — At sun-set the boats were sent on board & one returned with warm clothing for the men to bivouac during the night. — As I had a bad headache, I also came & remained on board. — The few left in the Ship, under the command of Mr Chaffers, have been the most busily engaged of the whole crew. — They have triced up the Boarding netting, loaded & pointed the guns. — & cleared for action. — We are now at night in a high state of preparation so as to make the best defence possible, if the Beagle should be attacked. — To obtain ammunition could be the only possible motive.

The boats have returned. — Affairs in the City now more decidedly show a party spirit, & as the black troops are enclosed in the citadel by double the number of armed citizens, Capt FitzRoy deemed it advisable to withdraw his force. — It is probable in a very short time the two adverse sides will come to an encounter: under such circumstances, Capt FitzRoy being in possession of the central fort, would have found it very difficult to have preserved his character of neutrality. - There certainly is a great deal of pleasure in the excitement of this sort of work. — quite sufficient to explain the reckless gayety with which sailors undertake even the most hazardous attacks. — Yet as time flies, it is an evil to waste so much in empty parade. —

[日記原典] "Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary" ed. by R.D.Keynes, Cambridge U.P., 1988.

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