
ダーウィンの日記1832年7月31日から8月2日 [ダーウィンの日記(I)]




[注] ダーウィンは"Hammond"と綴っているが、R.FitzRoy艦長の『航海記』によれば、Hamond, Robert N. となっている。航海士(Mate)。1833年5月までビーグル号に乗る。
[*注] マスターズ(Charles Musters)はビーグル号に乗っていた士官候補生。リオ・デ・ジャネイロ奥地の探検・狩猟行の際に熱病(マラリアと推測される)にかかって病死。


(by C.Martens; 1833.)










私たちが不在だった間にボート1艘がひとりの士官を乗せて来ていたので、艦長はその士官の指揮官に対し、"野蛮な港に入りつつある事を知らなかったことを遺憾に思う。さもなければその銃の射撃に答えるために片舷砲の一斉射撃を準備していたであろう" という伝言をすぐに発したのであった。



[注] ここでの"旗"への言及はもちろん象徴的な意味でのものですが、参考までにページ下にこの時ビーグル号が掲げていたと考えられるタイプの旗の画像を付します。


8月2日のこの事件、フィッツロイ艦長の『航海記(Narrative)』の方では、簡単に、"彼等の国旗を掲げた船に乗っていたブエノス・アイレスの士官の不品行(the misconduct of a Buenos Ayrean officer on board a vessel under their colours)"という表現でこれに言及するだけで細かくは書いていません。


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At one oclock we stood out of the Bay with a light fair wind. — As we passed the Druid, we picked up Mr Hammond[sic], a Midshipman belonging to her who has now joined the Beagle. — Mr Hammond is a connection of poor little Musters. —

Before sailing, I went ashore to the Town with the Captain; the appearance of the place does not speak much in its favor; it is of no great size; possesses no architectural beauties, & the streets are irregular & filthily dirty. — It is scarcely credible that any degree of indolence would permit the roads to be in such a bad state as they are. — The bed of a torrent with blocks of stone lying in mud. is an exact resemblance. — It was distressing to see the efforts of the Bullocks, as harnessed by their horns to the clumsy carts they managed to stumble on amongst the stones. — As far as regards the inhabitants, they are a much finer set than at Rio de Janeiro. — Many of the men have handsome expressive faces & athletic figures; either of which it is very rare to meet with amongst the Portugeese. — I believe in about a weeks time we shall return to M. Video & complete our equipment. —

August 1st
We have had a famous breeze & are now at anchor about 12 miles from Buenos Ayres[sic]. — At one time to day it was just possible to see both the Northern & Southern shores of the river at the same time. — A river of such great size & dimensions possesses no interest or grandeur. —

We certainly are a most unquiet ship; peace flies before our steps. On entering the outer roadstead, we passed a Buenos Ayres guard-ship. — When abreast of her she fired an empty gun; we not understanding this sailed on, & in a few minutes another discharge was accompanied by the whistling of a shot over our rigging. Before she could get another gun ready we had passed her range. — When we arrived at our anchorage, which is more than three miles distant from the landing place; two boats were lowered, & a large party started in order to stay some days in the city. — Wickham went with us, & intended immediately going to Mr Fox, the English minister, to inform him of the insult offered to the British flag. — When close to the shore, we were met by a Quarantine boat which said we must all return on board, to have our bill of health inspected, from fears of the Cholera. — Nothing which we could say, about being a man of war, having left England 7 months & lying in an open roadstead, had any effect. — They said we ought to have waited for a boat from the guard-ship & that we must pull the whole distance back to the vessel, with the wind dead on end against us & a strong tide running in. — During our absence, a boat had come with an officer whom the Captain soon despatched with a message to his Commander to say "He was sorry he was not aware he was entering an uncivilized port, or he would have had his broardside ready for answering his shot". — When our boats & the health one came alongside. — the Captain immediately gave orders to get under weigh & return to M Video. — At same time sending to the Governor, through the Spanish officer, the same messuages which he had sent to the Guard-ship, adding that the case should be throughily investigated in other quarters. — We then loaded & pointed all the guns on one broardside, & ran down close along the guard-ship. Hailed her, & said that when we again entered the port, we would be prepared as at present & if she dared to fire a shot we would either send our whole broardside into her rotten hulk. — We are now sailing quietly down the river. — From M Video the Captain intends writing to Mr Fox & to the Admiral; so that they may take effective steps to prevent our Flag being again insulted in so unprovoked a manner. —
From what I could see of the city of Buenos Ayres it appears to be a very large place & with many public buildings. — Its site is very low & the adjoining coast is elevated but a few feet above the level of the water. —

[参考画像] ビーグル号が掲げていたと考えられるタイプの旗("red ensign")..

[日記原典] "Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary" ed. by R.D.Keynes, Cambridge U.P., 1988.

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