
ダーウィンの日記1831年12月29日から31日まで [ダーウィンの日記(I)]




[注] メートル法では704.21km。ここでの"海里"は英国式なので1海里が1.853184kmとして換算。(国際的に使用される現行の海里は1海里1.852kmです。)

私の以前の船酔いと今のそれとはひとつの大きな相違がある; めまいがないことだ: 目を使うことが不快ではない: ハンモックに横たわり月や星がそれらの新しい見かけの小さな回転をするのを見るとき、実はそれはむしろ楽しい。
私はここで高くついた船酔いについての経験すべてをあげてみたい。まず、苦痛は過度で、2,3日を越えて海に出たことのない人が想像するものをはるかに越えている。私は唯一楽になるのは横になることだと分かった: しかし相手と闘えばますますそれだけ早く彼が譲歩することになるということを決して忘れてはならない。私は自分の胃が受けつけるのはビスケットと干しぶどうだけだということがわかった: しかしこれについては、私がより消耗するにつれすぐ飽きてしまい、そうするともう究極の救済はサゴ[Sago]、つまりワインに香辛料を加えてかなり熱くしたもの、ということになる。しかし、唯一の確実なものは横になること、特にハンモックならかなり良い。


[地図]1831年12月29日 正午のビーグル号の位置..




正午に緯度43度、フィニステーレ岬の南[注]、有名なビスケー湾を横切ったことになる: 痛ましい程に元気が出ず、かなりの船酔いだ。


[地図2] 1831年12月30日正午のビーグル号の位置..

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[地図3] フィニステーレ岬の位置..

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午前中かなり気分がすぐれなかった; 正午頃起きて、比較的ゆったりした短い時間を楽しんだ。


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At noon we were 380 miles from Plymouth the remaining distance to Madeira being 800 miles. — We are in the Bay of Biscay & there is a good deal of swell on the sea. — I have felt a good deal nausea several times in the day. — There is one great difference between my former sea sickness & the present; absence of giddiness: using my eyes is not unpleasant: indeed it is rather amusing, whilst lying in my hammock to watch the moon or stars performing their small revolutions in their new apparent orbits. — I will now give all the dear bought experience I have gained about sea-sickness. — In first place the misery is excessive & far exceeds what a person would suppose who had never been at sea more than a few days. — I found the only relief to be in a horizontal position: but that it must never be forgotten the more you combat with the enemy the sooner will he yield. I found in the only thing my stomach would bear was biscuit & raisins: but of this as I became more exhausted I soon grew tired & then the sovereign remedy is Sago, with wine & spice & made very hot. — But the only sure thing is lying down, & if in a hammock so much the better. — The evenings already are perceptibly longer & weather much milder.

At noon Lat. 43. South of Cape Finisterre & across the famous Bay of Biscay: wretchedly out of spirits & very sick. — I often said before starting, that I had no doubt I should frequently repent of the whole undertaking, little did I think with what fervour I should do so. — I can scarcely conceive any more miserable state, than when such dark & gloomy thoughts are haunting the mind as have to day pursued me. —

I staggered for a few minutes on deck & was much struck by the appearance of the sea. — The as deep water differs as much from that near shore, as an inland lake does from a little pool. — It is not only the darkness of the blue, but the brilliancy of its tint when contrasted with the white curling tip that gives such a novel beauty to the scene. — I have seen paintings that give a faithful idea of it.

In the morning very uncomfortable; got up about noon & enjoyed some few moments of comparative ease.- A shoal of porpoises dashing round the vessel & a stormy petrel skimming over the waves were the first objects of interest I have seen. — I spent a very pleasant afternoon lying on the sofa, either talking to the Captain or reading Humboldt glowing accounts of tropical scenery. — Nothing could be better adapted for cheering the heart of a sea-sick man.

出典:encyclopaedia britannica

[日記原典] "Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary" ed. by R.D.Keynes, Cambridge U.P., 1988.

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